Califia Farms: The Half-and-Half Substitute That's Perfect for Egg-Free Bak

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Hey, fellow egg-free bakers! Have you been on the search for a creamer that won't ruin your dairy-free, egg-free breakfast? Look no further than Califia Farms' Unsweetened Better Half! This half-and-half substitute is a game-changer for those who have a sensitivity to eggs, or are looking for a vegan egg baking alternative.

Not only is this dairy-free creamer keto-friendly, it's also shelf-stable, making it an ideal addition to your pantry. The blend of almond milk and coconut cream gives it a rich and creamy texture that's perfect for adding to your morning coffee or tea. Plus, it works wonders in recipes that traditionally call for half-and-half, like cornbread without egg or egg-free pancake recipes.

But don't just take my word for it, let's break down the pros and cons of Califia Farms' Unsweetened Better Half:

- Plant-based and vegan-friendly
- Shelf-stable and doesn't require refrigeration until after opening
- Adds a creamy texture to coffee, tea, and recipes
- Can be used as an egg substitute for baking cake

- The color is a bit off-white, which may be a turn-off for some
- Some may find the taste to be a bit too nutty

In conclusion, if you're an egg-free baker or simply looking for a dairy-free creamer alternative, Califia Farms' Unsweetened Better Half should definitely be on your radar. With its versatile use in recipes and its creamy texture, this half-and-half substitute is a must-try. So go ahead and add it to your cart, fellow egg-free bakers!

Bottom Line: 8.5/10

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